We, as Lions and Lionesses of the Lionhealth SB team, want to build a market-leading health-tech company that develops products and solutions capable of addressing the specific needs of malnutrition for patients with various diseases by combining science, plant extracts, and ESG culture.



Paola Lanati

25 years in the life science world:

The People

Our team consists of Lionesses and Lions who believe in the project and put their hearts and heads into making it happen. It is structured to follow the product development 360 degrees, from formulation to marketing. It consists of 4 macro-areas:

The team consists of people with proven experience in the relevant fields, but animated by the enthusiasm of youth.

Scientific Committee

Alexander Armuzzi

Director UOC IBD Humanitas Research Hospital

Riccardo Caccialanza

Director SC Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo

Antonio Gasbarrini

Full Professor of Internal Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

Director UOC Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology and CEMAD, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS

Salvo Leone

Director General Association AMICI Italy

Maurizio Muscaritoli

Director UOC Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, Policlinico Umberto I, Rome President SINUC

Carmine Pinto

Medical Oncology Director, Comprehensive Cancer Centre, AUSL-IRCCS of Reggio Emilia

Former president AIOM(Italian Association of Medical Oncology)

research & pipeline

Lionhealth's commitment to Disease Related Malnutritions.

Lionhealth SB has decided to focus its R&D efforts on the development of products and solutions against Disease Related Malnutritions (DRM).
At the end of 2022, Lionhealth SB acquired from IRCCS Policlinico Gemelli Foundation, Gemelli Health System company that has developed 13 Food for special medical purposes (FSMPs) dedicated with patented matrix.
According to ESPEN, DRM are disease-related forms of malnutrition, resulting in loss of weight and muscle mass, physical dysfunction, and leading to worse clinical outcomes. The prevalence of DRM varies between 20% and 80%, depending on the disease.
Our research focused in these areas:





Both in vitro studies on human cell line models and clinical studies for scientific validation of products are underway, in collaboration with Italian universities and hospitals.
In 2023, Lionhealth SB spent 36 percent of its investment on pure research and development.


Lionhealth as a Benefit Company is committed to promoting ESG culture through the benefit plan.
The following are the main activities and relevant documents.

You can download the following relevant documents
Code of Ethics
UNI/PdR125:2022 certification on gender equality 
Legislative Decree 231/01 model for administrative responsibility
Whistleblowing Reports 


America Innovation Award 2023

Italy USA Foundation

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